Sept 16: Mod applications OPEN
Oct 1: Interest Check CLOSE
Oct 15: Mod applications CLOSE
Oct 18: Mod results sent
Oct 27: Contributor applications OPEN
Dec 1: Contributor Applications CLOSE
Dec 8: Contributor results sent
Jan 7: Pitches due
Jan 26: Check-in 1
Feb 23: Check-in 2
Mar 15: Check-in 3
Apr 17: Final Submission
Aug 1: Preorders OPEN
Aug 31: Preorders CLOSE

Q & A
Some questions that you may have will be determined by our contributor application results. If you don't see your question answered below, please email [email protected] with any inquiries!
Q: "Will there be any guest artists?"
A: Yes! Our guest artists will be contacted after the interest check, before contributor applications.
Q: "Are cosplayers allowed to contribute?"
A: Yes, cosplayers may submit applications.
Q: "How many contributors will be selected?"
A: That depends on the contributor application results, but ideally (not including guests): 20 artists, 5 merch artists, 4 writers/poets, 5 cosplayers.
Q: "Will AUs be allowed?"
A: Works set in AUs are discouraged, however works that could happen in canon, even if never actually depicted or referenced in Princess Tutu, are perfectly acceptable!
Q: "Will contributors get a free copy of the zine?"
A: That's the plan! Ultimately, it's up to sales, but the goal is for each contributor to receive a free full bundle.
Q: “Is anyone allowed to work on this zine? Minors included?”
A: Contributor applications are 16+, moderator applications are 18+.
Q: “Do the mods have any experience?”
A: Experience as moderators? Yes. Our team of mods have exemplary experience in zine leadership roles!
Q: Generally, what does ‘for-profit’ mean? Who will get the money?”
A: Profit will be evenly distributed amongst contributors and moderators. The profit will depend on sales and shipping expenses.
Q: “When/where may I apply as a possible contributor to the zine?
A: Contributor applications open on Oct. 27. A link to the application form will be posted then, so stay tuned!
Q: “Are shipping quadrants allowed?”
A: As PT is inherently romantic, shipping IS allowed. It’s encouraged that shipping between characters canonically romantically interested are focused on, but “rare pairs”+ poly are allowed. This will be determined when pitches are selected.
Q: “Are headcanons allowed?”
A: It depends on the headcanon! If there are specific headcanons you’d like to include, you should first check with a mod. This will be covered when contributors make their pitches at the beginning of the creation period!
Q: “What is the word count for writers?”
A: Writers should expect their work to be between 1300 - 2000 words. Poets’ work should be between 300 - 700 words.